
Discover additional details about wedding and engagement rings, as well as other types of jewellery.

Promise Ring vs. Engagement Ring-Hanno Stockholm

Promise Ring vs. Engagement Ring

The intention behind them may be similar, but they are actually very different. 

PreparationDesign Your Own Engagement Ring for a Special Marriage Proposal-Hanno Stockholm

Design Your Own Engagement Ring for a Special Marriage Proposal

Where do you buy one that no other woman has?

DiamondsWhat Diamond Shape Looks the Biggest?-Hanno Stockholm

What Diamond Shape Looks the Biggest?

Explore the different diamond shapes and which one that might fit your ring finger the most. 

DiamondsLab-Grown Diamond vs. Moissanite-Hanno Stockholm

Lab-Grown Diamond vs. Moissanite

What are the differences between lab-grown diamonds and moissanite.

PreparationPre-Engagement Ring-Hanno Stockholm

Pre-Engagement Ring

Pre-Engagement ring etiquette — the story behind the pre-engagement ring.

PreparationWhat To Say When Giving A Promise Ring-Hanno Stockholm

What To Say When Giving A Promise Ring

A finger ring is much more than a piece of ornament.